Show Garden


The brief

The 'Fern Garden' (otherwise known as the Crytogamic Journey from Logan to Edinburgh) was inspired by work of RBGE on ferns, mosses and lichens. 

To source the plants and materials, and build this show garden at Gardening Scotland 2015. 

The space

5 m x 4 m

The design solution

A compartmentalised design that provides a sense of place and escape from the surrounding environment. The garden was very peaceful and showed good examples of combining different textures and forms of foliage and plant, such as the large leaved Rodgersia aesculifolia with the light, airy texture of the royal fern, Osmunda regalis, the wood-rush, Luzula nivea, which adds movement and height with hostas and ferns, including Adiantum pedatum and Athyrium filix-femina. 

Using a minimal number of materials and repeat planting, the garden was unified and the user was lead through the space. 

What I did: I was one of the design build team; I sourced the plants, project managed the run up to the build, and designed and planted the woodland area of the garden as well as advised on other areas. 

We attained a Silver-Gilt and Best New Show Garden 2015 for our garden. 


RHS Chatsworth Flower Show


Gardeners World Live 2025